Category Archives: Email Notifications

New Feature: SIRBs and Study Managers can Resend Study Notification to Sites

The sIRB and Study Manager can now re-notify/contact a site about a study by resending the “IREx study at your site” notification. This is done by clicking the site’s ‘Contacted’ status from the Status Summary tab. The subject line of the email notification will include the sender’s name who is re-contacting the site (e.g., “Jane Smith is resending your IREx Study Notification”). This feature is used to follow up with sites that have not yet started on the study.

New Feature: An email notification is sent to the PI when a new coordinator is added at their site.

When a sIRB or Study Manager gives a site coordinator access to their study, an email notification, “New Coordinator Added” is sent to the PI. The email lists the study title, the sIRB Liaison or Study Manager who added the coordinator, site name, new coordinator name and email, and link to the study.

Updated Feature: More Flexible Combo Site Documentation

Combo Site occurs when one study team engages multiple Federalwide Assurances (FWAs) for a given study. Because sIRBs often review and approve Combo Sites separately – so as not to delay study activation at one site – IREx has added new flexibility for Combo Sites.

Most importantly, sites in a Combo can now be reviewed and approved by the sIRB separately. To facilitate sites being reviewed by the sIRB as quickly as possible, the notification that local considerations have been completed for a site in a Combo is now sent to Study Managers and sIRBs instantly, rather than requiring all sites be complete. Additionally, after a site is reviewed and approved by the sIRB, the site’s approval can be posted to IREx instantly, rather than requiring all sites in the Combo to have approval before the documents can be posted. Given that combo sites may have separate consent forms or receive approval at separate times, combo site approvals are posted for each FWA/site, like the other sites on the study.

New Feature: sIRBs and SMs Can Close Sites in IREx

sIRBs and Study Managers can now close sites on studies. A reason or reasons for closure, date of closure, and determination letter are required to post a site closure. Closing a site sends a notification to the site’s HRPP and study team members and archives all past approvals so that no documents can be downloaded. Participating sites continue to have access to site closure documentation for 30 days after a site closure is submitted, after which the site cannot access the study in IREx. A listing of closed sites is available to sIRBs and Study managers on the Status Summary tab. For further information, see the Site Closure Quick Guide.

New Feature: sIRB Can Close Studies on IREx

sIRBs can now close studies that are complete on IREx by uploading the reason and date of closure, as well as the IRB determination letter. Closing a study notifies sites that the study has ended. The study remains accessible to all registered sites after a closure is posted, and all past approvals become read-only. A record of sites’ reliance details and a history of sIRB site approvals are still available in all IRB exports for metrics. For instructions on how to close a study, see our Quick Guide.

Here is what you will see for a closed study:

  • Study page is grayed out with a Study Closed header at the top
  • Status Summary Tab shows as Closed in Approval column
  • IRB Dashboards show that a study has been closed
  • Versions box shows that a study has been closed
  • Exports show closed studies with date of closure