Category Archives: March 2024

Updated Feature: Modified Uploading Approval dialog

The Status section of the approval dialog has been modified – moved to the top of the dialog, color changed from grey to blue, is now required, and a new tooltip with the message, “Select Approved if you are ready to share the approval and Pending to save and return later.” This is to ensure that the Reviewing IRB and/or Study Manager marks the Status of the approval they are uploading since in the past it was often missed.

The Type of Study is also now editable at the review level when uploading a continuing review and study-wide amendment.

Bug Fixes – March 13, 2024

Enhanced: Modified UI when indicating a study-wide amendment has a protocol change.
Fixed: Amendment # field removed from initial and continuing review approval dialog.
Fixed: Relying site notification about updated approval now displaying table of changes.
Fixed: Bug breaking ability to create a new site amendment.
Fixed: Reviewing IRBs and/or Study Managers cannot Request Agreements if IREx Setup and Primary Study Team Contacts incomplete, to prevent missing information on the notification.