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Updated Feature: Enhancements to the Agreement Checker

The Agreement Checker is a helpful tool on the IREx homepage which helps see if potential sites have already executed reliance and broad indemnification emails for a selected sIRB. We have made enhancements to make this tool easier to use and more visually appealing. There is added informational text explaining that sites are only required to execute one reliance agreement offered on a study, even if they have executed multiple. The SMART 1, SMART 2, and Other Reliance columns have been shaded to show that all are considered a reliance agreement. The Other Reliance Agreement and Indemnification columns have been updated with an easy-to-spot ✔️check mark symbol. The csv export includes the full FWA number.

Updated Feature: Add a consortium of sites to studies in the Participating Sites Dialog

The first step for Study Managers on IREx is to add participating sites. This step has been made easier for consortium studies with the “select consortium of sites” option. Inform the IREx Administrators if you would like to establish a consortium. Once created, the SM can simply add all sites from a consortium at once. Sites can also be removed; plus, non-consortium sites can be added to any study in addition to consortium sites.

Updated Feature: Email notification includes helpful guidance when new sites added

When a site that has not joined IREx is listed on a study, the “Participating Sites Added to Study” email now includes helpful text to guide how the site HRPP/IRB can initiate access for their site through the Join IREx page. This is an existing email sent to Reviewing IRBs and SMs if either party adds new sites to a study, but now updated for clearer guidance.